Answering The Question: Should I Stay or Should I Go?
There isn't a timer that's been set letting you know it's time to leave now. There's no magic eight ball that can tell you i

Pick Yourself Up Off The Floor: Surviving Infidelity
When you have been a victimized by someone else's actions and especially when that someone is the person that promised to love you compl

You've Been Cheated On: Now Stop Lying To Yourself
It's my guess that if you are dealing with a spouse or partner's infidelity that you are probably telling yourself one, if not all o

My bags are packed. I'm ready to go.
I don’t know what the next eleven days has in store for me, but one thing I do know is that I am going to soak every bit of it in; the momen

The Pivot: Moving Forward After My Husband's Affair
I am here telling my story, because there is hope. And if you are feeling stuck and in need of a pivot, please know that the pivot won’t be

Fight, Flight or Freeze
It's hard to pinpoint exactly when I lost myself, but I'm pretty sure I know how I lost myself and I feel like knowing how we got to a...