My 30 Days Without Caffeine or Alcohol
Have you ever seen the mom shirts that say, "Fueled by coffee. Sustained by wine"? Yeah, that very well could have been my motto.

Everything is Temporary And I'm Not Mad About It
Lately I've been meditating on the fact that everything is temporary. At first it can seem a little depressing. We don't like to thi

15 Healthy Chicken Recipes To Help You Spice Up Your Poultry Game
I don't know about you, but sometimes I get in a chicken rut. Chicken is a great source of protein and I usually make three or four chic

Why I Had To Redefine Forgiveness
Redefining forgiveness has not only allowed me to truly forgive, but it has allowed me to have a new sense of gratitude for my past and to g

Why I'm Raising My Son To Be A Feminist
I must ask...Why aren't there more male feminists? Why is it so taboo for a man to be a feminist? My theory is that the problem lies at

10 Super Foods to Help Fight Belly Bloat
This is my busy, travel season for work and I would be lying if I said that I didn't indulge in some airport Auntie Annes pretzels here

The Teen Years: 6 Keys to Survive and Thrive
The truth is that they can be a pain and the transition through teenager years into adulthood is like a bumpy rollercoaster filled with unce

Why You Should Be Juicing: 10 Recipes to Get You Started
According to the Mayo Clinic, drinking freshly made juices helps your body absorb the nutrients better than eating whole fruits and vegetabl

4 Reasons You Can Be Happy Your Child Didn't Win
It’s natural for us, as parents, to want the best for our kids. We don’t want them to feel pain. We don’t want them to be disappointed. We d

Dating As A Single Mom: 5 Reasons I'm Not Right Now
The truth is that I know all of these reasons may sound like excuses and I know that love can be worth the pain and effort. I know that only